Variation in the color and appearance of the inside of an egg can be due to many factors: A red spot near the yolk indicates a blood or meat spot. This is caused by the rupture of a small blood vessel around the yolk at the time of ovulation, or the presence of tissue during
Read MoreFamilies across the U.S. are preparing to honor mothers, grandmothers, and special women on Mother’s Day. Whether you are planning breakfast in bed, a sumptuous brunch, outdoor lunch, or sensational dessert, eggs are sure to be on the menu. Here are some recommendations to keep Mother’s Day safe and special: As you plan Mom’s favorite
Read MoreEggs are not only a versatile and nutritious form of protein, they also remain fresh four to five weeks beyond the packing date. See “eggs-pert” storage tips below: Refrigeration is key. Store your eggs in the refrigerator at 45 degrees F or below. Put your eggs in the refrigerator as soon as you get home
Read MoreFor the happiest memories, keep these safety tips in mind for buying, handling, and eating eggs, as the Easter season approaches. Let’s start with safe egg purchase considerations: Always purchase eggs from a refrigerated case Examine the carton for clean, uncracked shells Check the expiration date or sell by date Look for the USDA grade shield
Read MoreThe egg is a versatile food with many options available for today’s consumers. Shell eggs are the raw eggs that are available in retail stores. Grade of eggs, AA, A, or B, is determined by the interior quality of the egg and the appearance/condition of the shell. Eggs can be brown or white eggs. Egg sizes
Read MoreAmid blizzards, thunderstorms and other extreme weather, how do farmers keep their animals safe, warm and healthy? Safety authorities advise staying us to stay out of harsh weather by staying indoors as much as possible. That’s good advice for animals and is one of the many reasons that egg-laying hens are kept indoors. Years ago,
Read MoreThere’s no better time to brush up on proper egg safety than during Food Safety Education Month, which is recognized each September. According to, there are about 48 million cases of foodborne illness reported annually, which means that roughly 1 in 6 Americans experience food poisoning each year. Keep these egg-dos and egg-don’ts in
Read MoreSummer is the time to hop in the car for road trips and family visits. Packing nutritious snacks, like protein-packed hard boiled eggs, will make the trip easier. Taking perishable foods on summer trips requires extra care to ensure the snacks stay cold. To fully enjoy your summer travels, follow these food safety tips. 1)
Read MoreFrom the farm to the grocery store, careful handling of eggs ensures their quality and safety. Once in your grocery bag, it is important to follow these tips to keep eggs stay safe for your family to eat and enjoy. Once home, refrigerate eggs immediately. Store eggs in the coldest part of the refrigerator, not
Read MoreWhether your Easter plans include bunnies hopping down the trail, baskets, bonnets or candy, chances are eggs may have a role. Coloring, hiding and eventually eating Easter eggs has been a long-held tradition for many families. For the happiest of Easter memories, follow these safety tips as the Easter season approaches. First, wash your hands
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