Eggs are great fit with resolution to eat healthier

Are you resolving to eat healthier in 2023?  Be sure to make eggs part of your plan. Eggs have:

6 grams of high-quality protein wrapped up in its own portable package

8 essential vitamins and minerals

0 carbs and 0 sugar

70 calories

Eggs are also an excellent source of both choline and lutein. Choline promotes normal cell activity, liver function and the transportation of nutrients throughout the body. It is also key in the development of an infant’s memory function. Lutein has also been shown to improve cognition and memory and may reduce age-related macular degeneration.

Eggs are easily prepared in a variety of ways. Use your favorite recipe or check out many ways to prepare eggs on Eggs for breakfast helps sustain mental and physical energy throughout the day. They make a great snack and easy lunch or dinner.

For more information on eggs and physical performance, visit the Egg Nutrition Center.

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